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瓶盖的注射模设计(Design of injection mould for bottle cap)
瓶盖的注射模设计(Design of injection mould for bottle cap)
Design of injection mould for bottle cap
Abstract: This paper introduces the application of bottle in daily life, and focuses on the design process of bottle cap mold
Keywords: daily necessities, die design, practicability, mould, CAD
1 Introduction
Daily necessities, plastic drivessometimes accuracy and strength is not too high, because the plastic has strong plasticity, low density, high specific strength, lasting bonds, high chemical stability, the appearance of a variety, which has been more and more manufacturers and peoples favorite. The plastic industry is a new industry, which is born with the development of the petroleum industry. At present, plastic parts have almost entered all the industrial departments and peoples daily life in all fields. With the development of machinery industry, electronic industry, aviation industry, instrument industry and daily necessities industry, demand more and more plastic molding products, also more and more high quality requirements, this requires the development of plastic molding mold design, manufacturing level has to be more and more high.
2 Analysis of plastic parts
2.1, plastic ABS
ABS Chinese Name: acrylonitrile butadiene styrene copolymer
English Name: Acrylinitrile-Butadiene-Styrene.
Basic characteristics:
Non-toxic, tasteless, yellow, molding plastic parts have better gloss, density in 1.02~1.05g/cm3, its shrinkage rate is 0.3~0.8%. ABS moisture absorption is very strong, before molding, need to be fully dried, requiring water content is less than 0.3%. Liquidity generally, the overflow gap is about 0.04mm. ABS has excellent impact strength and does not drop rapidly at low temperatures. Good mechanical strength and certain wear resistance, cold resistance, oil resistance, water resistance, chemical stability and electrical performance.
Forming features:
ABS at high temperature viscosity, so the molding pressure is higher, the draft on plastic should be slightly l
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