生物化学(王镜岩版)(Biochemistry (Wang Jingyan Edition)).doc

生物化学(王镜岩版)(Biochemistry (Wang Jingyan Edition)).doc

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生物化学(王镜岩版)(Biochemistry (Wang Jingyan Edition))

生物化学(王镜岩版)(Biochemistry (Wang Jingyan Edition)) (I) the two stage structure of proteins 1 protein backbone Different polypeptide chains, in fact, are different groups of side chains on the a- carbon atoms. If the side chains are removed, the remaining parts of different polypeptide chains are exactly the same, called the backbone backbone of the polypeptide chain. Peptide unit: a repeating unit on the backbone of a backbone, a peptide unit that is a peptide plane. The concept of the two class structure of 2` proteins The backbone of the protein polypeptide chain is coiled and folded in the air; it is the two - stage structure of proteins. Conformation of the backbone of the polypeptide chain Hydrogen bonding The formation of hydrogen bonds with carbonyl oxygen and hydrogen hydrogen: -C=O - H-N- 3, determine the backbone conformation of the main factors (1). The dihedral angle of -C atoms The angle of rotation of two single bonds connected to the a- carbon atom. (phi: C. -N, the angle of rotation; only the C: -C single bond rotation angle) The C atom determines the dihedral space adjacent peptide units. (2) influence of side chain group: The decision of C. The conformation of the dihedral angle can exist, depending on the non bonded contact distance between the atoms of two adjacent peptide units. -R size, polarity, charge. Causes of the two - level structure: (1) the peptide bond can not rotate (2) plane, peptide, amino acid limitation of R group and R group before and after The peptide plane can not rotate arbitrarily (3). The size of the R group and the charge limit are only regular folding - helix - fold and corner - (4) stabilize the force of the two structure: hydrogen bonding 4, several typical two stage structure: (1) alpha helix 1951年Pauling和Corey研究а-角蛋白时提出的。 蛋白质中含量最丰富、最常见的二级结构。 规律性构象。 а-螺旋结构要点: 主链骨架螺旋式盘绕。螺旋上升一圈3.6个氨基酸残基,螺距0.54nm。(0.15nm / AA;100o / AA) 相邻螺圈间形成氢键。氢键几乎与轴平行;氢键封闭的环包括13个原子(3.613螺旋);是由羰基氧与其后面第四个氨基酸残基的亚氨基氢形成。 侧链基团伸向外侧侧链基团的大小和性质决定了а-螺旋能否形成和稳定性。 亲是а



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