生物界的性别决定和性别分化(Sex determination and sex differentiation in the biological world).doc

生物界的性别决定和性别分化(Sex determination and sex differentiation in the biological world).doc

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生物界的性别决定和性别分化(Sex determination and sex differentiation in the biological world)

生物界的性别决定和性别分化(Sex determination and sex differentiation in the biological world) Sex determination and sex differentiation in the biological world Wen / Pan Jun Liu Qin Sex is one of the most common and attractive phenomena in the biological world. The difference between males and females in most living creatures, especially higher ones, is very obvious. This difference is manifested in many traits. In the plant kingdom, animal sex differences not as obvious, female and male plants showed differences in floral sex, some lower organisms showed only in physiological differences, and in appearance is exactly the same. Therefore, gender is a complex phenomenon. 1 sex determination Sex determination refers to the effect of genetic material on sex. The chromosome composition of the fertilized egg is the material basis for sex determination. Different organisms have different ways of sex determination. 1.1 sex chromosomes determine sex Most dioecious or dioecious plants, male and female sex chromosomes of different sex, decided by chromosomes difference (it is decided at the moment of fertilization.). Later, sex is differentiated according to the direction of chromosomes, such as ZW, XY, XO, and ZO. 1.2 fertilization determines sex Is the female bees from the zygote and the drone from the zygote and. 1.3, the environment determines gender Marine worm bonellia (Bonelliaviridis) of the female and male small long tone. This insect sex determination is accidental, mature after spawn in the sea, the eggs develop into larvae, they do not have sex, the larvae fell on the seabed for females, females on the snout for development of male, fall in the sea development is neutral, If the kiss on the female larvae removed, it becomes neutral, while the male female snout degree by it in time to decide to stay. It is said that the female kiss have a chemical similar to the hormone, it greatly influences the differentiation of larvae. 1.4, gene differences determine sex Such as corn, if th


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