用《周易》透析管理企业培训短板(Using Zhouyi to dialysis management enterprise training short board).doc

用《周易》透析管理企业培训短板(Using Zhouyi to dialysis management enterprise training short board).doc

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用《周易》透析管理企业培训短板(Using Zhouyi to dialysis management enterprise training short board)

用《周易》透析管理企业培训短板(Using Zhouyi to dialysis management enterprise training short board) ??? managers will want to get good luck in the operation of enterprises, to seize the initiative in the market competition, the crisis in the transit crisis, which is the Confucian classic Zhouyi to Epiphany. Today we are certainly not like the ancients to make decisions that divination absurd and helpless, but may be ironic, dialysis occurred in the management of the short board, so as to turn bad into good, make it become the reference management tools. Cracking performance appraisal problems? Scientific management uses a reduction method to decompose the management unit to improve work efficiency. It worked very well in the early days. But when we apply this model to the whole system, we often expose the unexpected short board. The more prominent example is the failure of performance appraisal, for example, performance ism destroyed SONY, a famous Japanese enterprise. Since performance management is considered scientific, why is the rate of success not high? Thinking in Zhouyi helps to solve this difficult problem. ??? in the performance management is a typical management tool called the Balanced Scorecard as a strategic management system, the strategic goal of transformation companys performance evaluation index system, provides a framework for the management of managers. Interestingly, the Balanced Scorecard in finance, customer, internal processes, learning four indicators can be regarded as the orientation in the four, corresponding to earthquake, ridge, away, against; again according to the target, plan, evaluation of four aspects of organization and implementation, just form a corresponding the book of changes in the gossip: ??? dry, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, from Burgundy, against the Target planning, process evaluation, financial learning indicators, customer Gossip is an organic system that cannot be separated. The Sony Corps former Managing Director Ron outer server in the S



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