珐琅铸铁锅(Enameled iron pot).doc

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珐琅铸铁锅(Enameled iron pot)

珐琅铸铁锅(Enameled iron pot) Xiao Pang and family, basically eat out, their little fire. After pregnancy, the taste suddenly became sensitive, and suddenly felt that the cooking outside tasted terrible, so they began to cook their own meals. Slowly began to study all kinds of kitchen utensils, and fell in love with them. In the course of the study, the NetEase found a friend called the kitchen three flavor, really is very professional! I felt a lot of benefit when I read his blog! So here to forward some of his original ideas for kitchen utensils, I hope my friends in the choice of kitchen utensils are helpful! The following is for posting: Taiwanese said: when children, such as Ma Ying-Jeou, buy pot, buy LC.. The popularity of LC in Taiwan is known. Now Le Creuset cool color has been able to buy in Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou and Shenzhen. And it is also the product quality is extremely close to the French brand Staub was acquired by the German double, double positive marketing channels in the mainland developed, rapid distribution in the country. This creates an interesting scene: Taiwan is in hot pursuit of LC, Staub is not easy to buy; the mainland is easy to buy Staub, LC is unknown. Here are some of the most classic round pots I think are the two of them. In addition, LC black and white have, and STAUB currently listed only black pot. LC, a good cook, good blood, capable people, beautiful in a complete mess, although a little disadvantage, also does not matter, which belongs to the great lady. STAUB, cooking is also good, can, is the bright younger generation is as an understanding wife and loving mother. Both are big names, choose who is right, the key to see their favorite. There is only one point to remind that the physical properties of white enamel and black enamel are very different and can not be compared with each other. People can see two black enamel. How to choose: LC has its own counter in China, and Staub is sold by Zwilling, which is not expensive. LC,


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