电脑出现蓝屏代码对照表(Computer appears blue screen code comparison table).doc

电脑出现蓝屏代码对照表(Computer appears blue screen code comparison table).doc

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电脑出现蓝屏代码对照表(Computer appears blue screen code comparison table)

电脑出现蓝屏代码对照表(Computer appears blue screen code comparison table) Computer appears blue screen code comparison table There are many reasons for blue screen, the right remedy, suggest the next blue screen, remember the code, I find the answer Common blue screen case The blue screen that I often encounter is 0X0000008E, 0X0000000A, 0 0X0000009F Of the 1, - 0x0000000A:IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL The error analysis: mainly by the problem of the driver, defective or incompatible hardware and software caused. From a technical perspective. That in kernel mode existing in the process of internal Ethernet high request level (IRQL) without access to its memory address access. This solution: upgrade the driver or BIOS or not to check for memory Chrysene - grosseserrata Of the 2, - 0TRAP_CAUSE_UNKNOWN The error analysis: if you encounter this error message, so unfortunately, the result will be KeBudCheck is the analysis of reasons for the failure are unknown. This solution: since Microsoft cant help, will have to rely on yourself, please carefully recall this error is what occurs when the first occurs; for your system to do what is what happens when the operation; operation. Find causes from this information, the corresponding solutions and try to exclude from the choice. Chrysene - grosseserrata Of the 3, - 0x0000001A:MEMORY_MANAGEMENT The error analysis: the memory management errors are often caused by hardware, such as: the newly installed hardware, memory itself is a problem. Solution: if you are in when Windows is installed, it may be due to your computer is not up to the minimum memory and disk Windows installation requirements. Chrysene - grosseserrata Of the 4, - 0x0000001E:KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED The error analysis: Windows kernel check to an illegal or unknown process instruction, the stop code is generally caused by similar problems with memory or in front of the 0x0000000A. This solution: (1) there is a problem with hardware compatibility: please ch



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