登陆界面和与access数据库连接(Login interface and connect to access database).doc

登陆界面和与access数据库连接(Login interface and connect to access database).doc

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登陆界面和与access数据库连接(Login interface and connect to access database)

登陆界面和与access数据库连接(Login interface and connect to access database) Network programming (last class) //request.getParameterValues (login0) = null ! Request.getParameterValues (login0) ([0].trim).Equals (landing) and And isroot=, +isroot+ Task 1: write a javaBean and display it in the home page 1 add a class com/dates/ below Hello.java Package dates; Public class Hello{ Private String str; Public, void, setStr (String, STR1) { This.str = str1; } Public, String, getStr () { Return this.str; } } 2 add at the beginning of the home page jsp:useBean id= Chen scope= page class= dates.Hello class= dates.Hello / jsp:setProperty name= Chen property= STR value= Welcome! 3 add chen.inc files %@ page contentType= text/html; charset=gb2312% Welcome this page: jsp:getProperty name= Chen property= STR / 4 add welcome.inc files %@ page contentType= text/html; charset=gb2312% marquee direction=right welcome! jsp:getProperty name=, Chen, property=, STR, //marquee 5 add where you want to display %@ include file= chen.inc% Include file= welcome. %@ Inc% Task two: In the database table member add a isroot attribute field judgment is the administrator login, and a login interface provided on the home page, when is the administrator login, jump to the corresponding managereg.jsp page, or jump to the ordinary user page. 1 make a landing interface in the home page Add in the home pages body form name=, regform, action=, managereg.jsp, method=, post center administrator login /centerbr center user name: input, type=, text, name=, username, /br/center center password: input type=, password, name=, password, /br/center centerinput type = submit, value=, landing, /center /form 2 add at the beginning of the home page script language= JavaScript Function, on_submit () The legitimacy of the {// verification data If (regform.rootname.value = = ) { Alert (the user name cannot be empty. Please enter a user name! ); Regform.rootname.focus (); Return false; } If (regform.rootpass.value = = ) { Al



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