电脑突然断电的解决办法(A solution to a sudden computer failure).doc

电脑突然断电的解决办法(A solution to a sudden computer failure).doc

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电脑突然断电的解决办法(A solution to a sudden computer failure)

电脑突然断电的解决办法(A solution to a sudden computer failure) Automatic shutdown fault removal method: 1, there may be BIOS settings problems, into the BIOS to restore the default settings, or the motherboard battery out, anti buckle discharge, and so on, 5 minutes in the anti installed. Purpose BIOS settings to restore default values, exclude BIOS heat preset, automatic restart or shutdown. 2. memory reasons. When the memory and motherboard slot loose contact may also cause the computer to automatically shut down, it is recommended to check whether memory and motherboard plug. Then use the exclusion method to check memory, graphics cards, CPU, CPU fans, motherboards and so on. 3., poor heat dissipation. Due to the weather temperature or the CPU fan insufficient revolution caused by overheating of the system, which will lead to the automatic shutdown of the computer, it is recommended to check the system temperature is normal. A method of troubleshooting by cleaning the dust in a computer mainframe. Dust is also one of the factors that can cause the computer to shut down automatically. Dust can cause parts aging, pin oxidation, bad contact and short circuit. For dust caused by these failures, the general use of cleaning method is more effective 4. software factors. If the computer shuts down automatically when using an application sequential software, the automatic shutdown may be caused by the sequential software, which can be used to uninstall the program software. Computer shutdown is also common because of viruses or trojans, especially the latest wave of shock waves that can cause a reboot and shutdown of the system. If you use the Window 2000 or Window XP system, it is recommended that you use anti-virus software anti-virus after the timely shock wave patch, the general problem can be solved. 5. power issues. Power supply is an important factor causing the lack of computer automatic shutdown, power quality is poor, aging or the power is too small, can not satisfy the p


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