白癜风高发季节(Vitiligo high season).doc

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白癜风高发季节(Vitiligo high season)

白癜风高发季节(Vitiligo high season) Lanzhou military area vitiligo treatment base - Lanzhou where the most authoritative treatment of vitiligo? Spring is the season of high incidence of vitiligo, rheumatism evil can take advantage of a weak point skin meridians, causing blood disharmony caused by vitiligo. Spring, everything recovery, the bodys immune system also began to work, therefore, the spring is the best season for the treatment of vitiligo. From the vitiligo development stage, vitiligo stable phase is easier to treat than in the advanced stage. This is mainly because of the progress of vitiligo, patients on the outside of the harmful stimulus reaction is more sensitive than the stable period, in the choice of medication and treatment methods are subject to certain restrictions. Vitiligo is a depigmentation disease, its typical damage is the skin white spots, leukoplakia color to a certain extent, can reflect the severity of the patients condition. Under normal circumstances, the longer the patient onset time, the darker the white spot color, which means the more serious depigmentation of melanocytes in the epidermis. Therefore, the onset time is the most important factor affecting the best time for vitiligo treatment. Vitiligo early vitiligo treatment is the best time. Lanzhou Military District vitiligo hospital vitiligo experts remind: vitiligo prevention has not yet been widespread attention, patients in the outbreak before I do not know how to prevent. Universal prevention of knowledge, to reduce the incidence of vitiligo is of great significance. According to our observations over the years, the following factors can reduce morbidity. (1) strengthen self cultivation and keep optimistic mood; Maintain the good health of mind, for emergencies calmly, because of pathogenic stagnation or illness caused by the depression factors on health and metabolism of melanocytes effect. People often encounter some difficulties and unpleasant things in life and work, causing p


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