电脑肌皮肤护理(Computer skin care).doc

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电脑肌皮肤护理(Computer skin care)

电脑肌皮肤护理(Computer skin care) Protective measures for computer skin care: First, remember to wash your face after surfing the internet. Second, control the Internet time, try to sleep before 11, because sleep is to help beauty. Third, every day to eat a little red dates and so on blood nourishing beauty food. If you do these three things, your skin will improve greatly. Preventive measures: 1, thoroughly clean the skin. Department of dermatology experts suggest that the day-to-day operation of the computer, use up the computer must wash your face. Because of the long time in front of the screen, the skin is prone to excessive oil secretion, dust accumulation, etc.. Before going to bed, use up the computer, but also need to clean the skin in time, so that the radiation will be reduced by more than 70%. The computer is turned off, the first task is to clean the skin, thoroughly clean face with warm water plus cleansing liquid, the electrostatic adsorption of all the dust away, and then coated with a mild skin care products, a long time to reduce the damage, skin beauty, this is true for women in the Internet can be described as a bit effort, harvest a lot. If the conditions permit, wash your face at noon, and then coated with oil-free refreshing type of emulsion will be very comfortable. If you do not want to see the second day when the eyes are red and swollen, facial expression haggard, a pair of black eye, then do not continue to fight for a long time, especially not to stay up late online. Usually prepare a bottle of eye drops for a rainy day. Apply an eye mask and skin around your eyes after cleansing. 2, the correct way to use. The body and computer screen should be as close as possible to a distance of not less than 70 centimeters. When using a computer, it is necessary to adjust the brightness of the screen. Generally speaking, the larger the screen brightness is, the stronger the electromagnetic radiation is, and the less it is on the contrary. However, it can


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