生物必修一总结(Biological compulsory summary).doc

生物必修一总结(Biological compulsory summary).doc

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生物必修一总结(Biological compulsory summary)

生物必修一总结(Biological compulsory summary) The molecular composition of a cell Structure and function of protein 1, element composition: by C, H, O, N elements, and some contain P, S4 2, basic unit: amino acid, structure about 20 kinds Structure features: each amino acid contains at least one amino group and one carboxyl group, and all are connected on the same carbon atom. The difference is that the R group of each amino acid is different. Structural formula: The peptide bond: dehydration condensation of amino acids peptide (- NH CO) Calculate the number of water molecules: remove = number = the number of amino acid peptide - peptide number 3. The reasons for protein diversity: the number, type and sequence of amino acids that make up proteins vary, and the spatial structure of peptides is ever-changing. Protein molecules have diversity, which determines the diversity of protein functions. 4, function: (1) some of the proteins are important components of cells and organisms; (2) catalysis, enzyme; (3) the role of transport, such as transport of oxygen hemoglobin; (4) regulation, such as insulin, growth hormone; (5) immune function, such as antibody. Summary: all life activities can not be separated from proteins. Protein is the main undertaker of life activities. Structure and function of nucleic acids 1, element composition: by C, H, O, N, P five elements 2. Basic unit of composition nucleotide 3, species and distribution The basic unit in which English bases are present 脱氧核糖核酸 dna 含氮碱基、磷酸、脱氧核糖 (腺嘌呤) 、g (鸟嘌呤) 、c (胞嘧啶) 、t (胸腺嘧啶) 主要存在于细胞核中, 在叶绿体和线粒体中有少量存在 核糖核酸 rna 含氮碱基、磷酸、核糖 (腺嘌呤) 、g (鸟嘌呤) 、c (胞嘧啶) 、u (尿嘧啶) 主要存在于细胞质中 4、 功能: 核酸是细胞中储存遗传信息的物质, 在生物的遗传、变异和蛋白质的合成中具有极其重要的作用. Ⅲ、糖类的种类与作用 1、 元素组成: 只有c、h、o 2、 种类: ①单糖: 葡萄糖 (重要能源) 、果糖、核糖和脱氧核糖、半乳糖 ②二糖: 蔗糖、麦芽糖 (植物); 乳糖 (动物) ③多糖: 淀粉、纤维素 (植物); 糖原 (动物) 3、 糖类是主要的能源物质 四大能源: 主要的能源物质: 葡萄糖; 主要能源: 糖类; 直接能源: atp; 根本能源: 太阳能 Ⅳ、脂质的种类和作用 分类 元素 常见种类 功能 脂质 脂肪 c、h、o / ① 主要储能物质 ② 保温 ③ 减少摩擦, 缓冲和减压 磷脂 c、h、o (n、p) / 生物膜的主要成分 固醇 胆固醇 与细胞膜流动性有关 性激素 维持生物第二性征,



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