看房注意事项(House notice).doc

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看房注意事项(House notice)

看房注意事项(House notice) How much do you know about housing property rights? When buying second-hand houses, make sure the ownership of the house is clear. All property disputes, or part of the property (such as the standard price for the purchase of public housing), common property rights, unclear property rights, property rights of the house, even if do not buy a house right then, so after the transaction can not get housing property permits, they can also cause a lot of unnecessary trouble. In addition, we should pay special attention to property ownership certificate whether the owner is the same person as the seller. The physical property of authenticity, be sure to see the original and to real estate management department to check this property. If the standard price to buy public housing, it is necessary to pay attention to whether the cost of making up the cost, or with the original unit how to split into proportion. In addition, some units in the house to the staff, in order to maintain the stability of personnel units, and workers signed a service contract, the original unit has the right to buy back. Therefore, it is necessary to confirm whether the original unit agrees to sell the house. For the armed forces, hospitals, schools, public housing, is generally not allowed to sell on the market, therefore, to confirm that the original unit of formal seal agreed to sell, in order to secure the purchase. Watch the house on the spot The ears, seeing is believing. Consumers view their site to buy housing, the previous phase information obtained to verify the specific image, at the same time for the next decision, ready to negotiate purchase provides first-hand information, play an important role. It can be said that each property buyers will go to the scene to see the house, and more than once. The initial involvement in the housing market, gehangrugeshan, began to live when not grasp the essentials, dont know where to start with the view, the effect is not ideal. H


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