盂县话初考(Preliminary study of Yuxian dialect).doc

盂县话初考(Preliminary study of Yuxian dialect).doc

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盂县话初考(Preliminary study of Yuxian dialect)

盂县话初考(Preliminary study of Yuxian dialect) Yuxian is called enmity against the Jew, is one of Bai Di, is the spring and Autumn Period doctor Jin Yis city, Gucheng in the present Yangqu county northeast big glenoid town. Because the County mountain round, such as low named yu. Yuxian has a long history, is one of the oldest counties of Shanxi, the discourse categories belonging to the northern dialects, spoken in so far still retains many ancient Chinese pronunciation and vocabulary appellation, and its unique concise tone, soft and delicate, enjoy the ancient words such as singing in the world. The reason why said than singing also nice because Yuxian is not only a large number of oral application of Erhua and superimposed words and distinguish the superposition of the pronunciation of the word, love word ending a sense of rhythm, with particular emphasis on preserving ancient Chinese dialect in pronunciation, highlight the local. First, with the sound of children to increase oral feeling cut, it is. Yuxian Erhua differs from common words sound especially in the sound of children and is a word pronunciation compact, close to positive words and short, unlike Mandarin Erhua or even Er single words sound. Such as: apricot, while Mandarin, the word Er can separate into sound. The Yuxian word apricot called her, the fish is called yer, pronunciation is short and will be the sound of children inside is the pronunciation of the word. For a while Yuxian dialect is read as a and and pronunciation of a sound synthesis. As the sparrow is pronounced Kay (Qiao), chicken is read as jier. Pear reads lier. And as the village name stone, the Buddha read powder. Bai Dan, in which the Dan read as egg. Yin Tang village Tang to read Erhua special, the above examples is the child sound is merged into the word as a sound out. Two, increase the flexibility of the word by adding words. Such as the relationship of appellations besides Mandarin often aunt aunt and sister , otherwise the uniqu


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