白手起家创业故事 四位亿万富豪创业史(Rags to riches entrepreneurship story four billionaires history).doc

白手起家创业故事 四位亿万富豪创业史(Rags to riches entrepreneurship story four billionaires history).doc

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白手起家创业故事 四位亿万富豪创业史(Rags to riches entrepreneurship story four billionaires history)

白手起家创业故事 四位亿万富豪创业史(Rags to riches entrepreneurship story four billionaires history) Start empty-handed entrepreneurial story one: maibing gun started In 1979, I had been a production leader for 3 years in Yu Cun, Shengli Town, Dongzhi County, Anhui, and I was tired of the same routine. In order to have a better life, I put all sorts of things together 20 thousand yuan of money, in the village to start an ice cream factory. Later, I found the video making money, and then opened the video studio. When the consumer market is relatively active, and I have to do business, non-staple food, department stores, household appliances and other wholesale...... In short, what does not break the law and earn money, I will do it. In 1988, the state began to levy personal income tax adjustment, and the personal income tax adjustment in Anhui was levied on me. If this continues, I will store more and more, but in 1989~1990, the state began to suppress the private economy, the so-called cutting the tail of capitalism, the nascent private economy began to stagnate, a large number of the collapse of private enterprises. Although my store did not collapse, but in three or four years time is really difficult! On 1992, Deng Xiaopings southern tour speech, let me smell change. In 1993 to become the turning point of my entrepreneurial experience, this year, I founded the Anqing Nanxiang trading company, the main sugar and wine wholesale business. Just two years, operating income reached 200 million yuan, among the countrys largest 500 private enterprises. Small business management easy to make money difficult, big business is easy to earn money, difficult to manage. I often say rule first, chairman second in the company. Any enterprise to grow and develop, I think the rule should be placed in the first place. We have a power of attorney in the Executive Office of our company, There are four sentences: your power is to lead the team, to make the rules scientifically; your power is to lead th



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