电脑cpu温度过高(Computer CPU temperature is too high).doc

电脑cpu温度过高(Computer CPU temperature is too high).doc

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电脑cpu温度过高(Computer CPU temperature is too high)

电脑cpu温度过高(Computer CPU temperature is too high) Normal temperature of CPU It is guaranteed to be stable within 30 degrees of temperature rise. That is to say, CPU has a temperature of 65 degrees and is calculated at the highest 35 degrees in summer, allowing the temperature of CPU to rise to 30 degrees. By analogy, if your ambient temperature is now 20 degrees, CPU is best not to exceed 50 degrees. Of course, the lower the temperature, the better. No matter what degree of overclocking you do, do not make your CPU higher than the ambient temperature of more than 30 degrees. What time would you like to add?: 1. temperature and voltage problems. The increase of temperature is due to the heating quantity of U is greater than that of the radiator. Once the heat and heat dissipation are balanced, the temperature is no longer higher. The calorific value is determined by the power of the U, and the power is proportional to the voltage. Therefore, to control the temperature, the core voltage of the CPU is controlled. However, it is easy to say, if the voltage is too low, it will cause instability. When the overclocking amplitude is large, this contradiction is particularly evident. Most of the time CPU temperature did not reach the critical value system on the blue screen restart, then all affect the stability of the system is not temperature but the voltage. So, how to set the voltage in the limit, overclocking is very important, set high, the radiator can not stand, set low, U can not stand. 2., different motherboard temperature measuring methods are different, even with the same brand, type of motherboard, as the temperature probe close to CPU distance difference, will also lead to a great difference in temperature measured. Therefore, generally speaking, how much temperature safety is unscientific. I think its OK to run super, Pi or 3DMark in the summer at higher room temperature, as long as its stable and you dont have to believe too much about the temperature data of t


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