电脑组装步骤及安装操作系统步骤安装前的准备(Computer assembly steps and installation, operating system steps, preparation before installation).doc

电脑组装步骤及安装操作系统步骤安装前的准备(Computer assembly steps and installation, operating system steps, preparation before installation).doc

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电脑组装步骤及安装操作系统步骤安装前的准备(Computer assembly steps and installation, operating system steps, preparation before installation)

电脑组装步骤及安装操作系统步骤安装前的准备(Computer assembly steps and installation, operating system steps, preparation before installation) Computer assembly steps and installation, operating system steps, preparation before installation 2008-02-26 20:39 Computer assembly steps and installation, operating system steps, preparation before installation Before you start to assemble a computer, you should learn the basic knowledge of the computer, including hardware structure, routine maintenance knowledge, common troubleshooting, operating system and common software installation, etc.. Preparation of fittings prior to installation Installed confidential, have their own plans, do not blindly compare, according to actual needs to buy accessories. Such as the purchase of chassis, it is necessary to pay attention to the rationalization of the internal structure, easy to install, two pay attention to beauty, color and other accessories match. General should choose the vertical cabinet, do not use horizontal case has been eliminated, especially the power supply, it is related to the stable operation of the entire computer, the output power of the power supply should not be less than 250 W, some processors also require the use of 300 W, should be selected according to the needs of. In addition to chassis power supply, in addition to the motherboard, and accessories in general CPU, memory, video card, sound card (with some card board), hard disk, CD-ROM (VCD CD-ROM and DVD CD-ROM), floppy drive, data line, signal line etc.. In addition to machine parts, also need to prepare to use the screwdriver, pliers, tweezers and other tools. In addition, it is also necessary to prepare the power plug for the room before installation. These contents are described in the 1.4 section of the first chapter. Basic steps of loading a computer When you assemble a computer, follow these steps in an orderly manner: (1) the chassis to install the main chassis is opened for power, and will be installed in the chassis.


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