白化病 怎样预防和护理呢(How can albinism be prevented and taken care of).doc

白化病 怎样预防和护理呢(How can albinism be prevented and taken care of).doc

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白化病 怎样预防和护理呢(How can albinism be prevented and taken care of)

白化病 怎样预防和护理呢(How can albinism be prevented and taken care of) When we go to school or in the street, we can see some different people. Their skin is white, the eye color is very light, they are not white, but got the albino Bode albinism, even black will have snow white skin and hair. Albinism is not too direct to face the sun, but also physical and intellectual development is also different from ordinary people. Because albinism is different from normal people, their daily life can be a lot of inconvenience. What is albinism? Albinism is usually expressed in an autosomal recessive manner, mostly due to inbreeding. It is said that patients with both parents carry the gene for albinism, not in itself. If the pathogenic gene couple both carry on to their children, and their children will be sick, sick and equal opportunity, the probability of occurrence of this situation is 1/4. A eye damage consisting mainly of albinism type, known as ocular albinism, performance of the X linked recessive inheritance, is only in albinism by his mother carry the gene transfer to his son, to the daughter of the general sick, the probability of this transfer is 1/2. This type has a relatively small proportion of all albinism types. What are the symptoms of albinism? The eyes of people with albinism: albinism patients is usually the body skin, hair, eyes, lack of melanin, thus the performance of the five eyes retinal pigment, iris and pupil showed light pink, afraid of light, his eyes always see things, often with tears, photophobia, nystagmus and astigmatism and other symptoms of … hellip: skin, eyebrows, hair and other body hair are white or whitish yellow. The skin of an albino that lacks melanin and is milky or pink, tender and dry. Hair becomes pale white or yellowish. Due to the lack of protection of melanin, the skin of patients with highly sensitive to light, after sun prone to sunburn and photosensitive dermatitis and skin the same black sun. There occurs light cheilitis, telang



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