白糖期货--郑交所(Sugar futures - Zheng Jiao).doc

白糖期货--郑交所(Sugar futures - Zheng Jiao).doc

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白糖期货--郑交所(Sugar futures - Zheng Jiao)

白糖期货--郑交所(Sugar futures - Zheng Jiao) 1页 2页 郑州商品交易所 郑州商品交易所(以下简称郑商所)成立于1990年10月12日,是我国第一家期货市 场试点单位,由远期现货交易起步,于1993年5月28日推出标准化期货合约交易,1998 年8月被国务院确定为全国三家期货交易所之一,归中国证券监督管理委员会垂直领导。郑 商所是为期货合约集中竞价交易提供场所、设施及相关服务,履行《期货交易管理条例》和 《期货交易所管理办法》规定的职能,按照章程和交易规则实行自律管理的法人。 上市品种 目前,经中国证券监督管理委员会批准,郑商所上市交易的期货合约有小麦、棉花、白 糖、精对苯二甲酸(PTA)、菜籽油、早籼稻等。 期货市场及功能 期货市场是进行标准化合约买卖的市场。期货市场一般由期货交易所、期货经纪公司、 期货结算机构和期货交易者四部分组成。 基本功能:发现价格、规避风险、风险投资、资源配置 白糖期货合约 经国务院同意,中国证监会批准, In January 6, 2006, the white sugar futures contract was traded in Zheng shang. White sugar Trading unit 10 tons / hand Unit of quotation yuan (ton) / ton The minimum change price is 1 yuan / ton The maximum daily fluctuation limit shall not exceed the closing price of the previous trading day at + 4% Contract delivery months 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, November Trading hours are from Monday to Friday at 9:00-11:30 a.m. 1:30-3:00 p.m. The tenth day of the month in which the contract is delivered The twelfth day of the month in which the contract is delivered Delivery grade standard: first class white sugar meets the Zhengzhou commodity exchange white sugar futures delivery Quality standards (Q/ZSJ002-2005); substitutes and premiums: see Zhengzhou Commodity exchange white sugar delivery rules. Place of delivery; designated delivery warehouse 6% of the value of the trading margin contract Transaction fee 4 yuan / hand (including risk reserve) Physical delivery Transaction code SR Listed exchange Zhengzhou commodity exchange Page and 3 General knowledge of sugar Sugar is a natural sweetener and a necessity in daily life, as well as sugary foods such as drinks, sweets and pastries And essential ingredients in the pharmaceutical industry. Many different types of sugar, can be divided into sugar, white sugar, soft white sugar, sugar, Granulated sugar, soil, brown sugar, etc. White sugar, soft white sugar, commonly known as sugar. Grade 1 and above of white sugar accounted for the total production of sugar in China More than 90% of the quantity. Quality


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