白芷面膜(Angelica root mask).doc

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白芷面膜(Angelica root mask)

白芷面膜(Angelica root mask) Angelica dahurica, also known as Angelica dahurica. Pungent flavor, sexual temperature, the lung, spleen, stomach, large intestine. Function Qufeng solution table, cold dispelling pain, dehumidification Tongqiao, swelling and pus. Modern pharmacological studies have shown that Angelica has antipyretic analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, can improve local blood circulation, eliminate the excessive accumulation of pigment in the organization, promote skin cell The new supersedes the old., thus to achieve the role of beauty. Compendium of Materia Medica Angelica long skin, moisturizes and color, can make the face fat is the ancient physicians like to use cosmetic medicine. Brief introduction of Angelica dahurica Herbs perennial, 30 - 80 cm tall. Stems erect or prostrate lower. Leaves ovate or ovate lanceolate, long 6, 12 cm, 2 - 6 cm wide, apex acuminate, margin entire, base heart shaped ear shaped, with basal veins 5, 2 - 3 in the inflorescence leaves often white petals; petiole length 1 - 3 cm. Raceme at top of stem, opposite leaves; inflorescence axis and pedicel pubescent; bracts ovoid, ca. 1 mm; stamens 6; pistil with 4 carpels, stigmas 4. When ripe fruit broadly ovate, split into 4 mericarps; seeds round. Florescence is 6 to July, fruit period 8 - September. Around South of Jiangsu is very common in the low growth; Chinas Yangtze River, the southern of the distribution. Roots as medicine, there is swelling, detoxification, diuresis, Jiangsu folk squid decoction treatment, diuresis effect with fire; stems and leaves are used for fodder and pesticide; containing volatile oil and hydrolysable tannins. Angelica contains many kinds of fat soluble coumarin, but Chinese herbal medicine is mainly decocted with water. The essential oils, Oils and coumarins are like make-up, In addition Angelica Decoction liquid has inhibitory effect on Escherichia coli, proteus, Shigella, typhoid bacillus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria, water extract has a r


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