研究生考试资料(Graduate examination materials).doc

研究生考试资料(Graduate examination materials).doc

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研究生考试资料(Graduate examination materials)

研究生考试资料(Graduate examination materials) Heart @ jump * 22:05:09 1. the body needs six kinds of nutrients including water, fat, carbohydrates, minerals and trace elements, vitamins, protein 2. belongs to the energy nutrients are protein, fat, carbohydrate diet 3. reasonable (can promote the growth and development of organism, energy) and (regulating body function) diet can be divided into (the 4. hospital basic) treatment (experimental diet) basic diet for 5. hospitals including (general) (soft) (semi liquid) (liquid) 6. liquid diet daily diet (6-7) meals per hour (2-3) once every ml (200-300) 7. semi liquid diet daily supply of protein (50-70) g, the total energy is (1500-2000) kcal, (5-6) 8. meals daily diet high calorie snacks should be based on the basic diet (2), the total heat is about 9. (3000) kcal/d patients should be treated with low protein diet supplements (vegetable) and (high sugar) food, less than 10. calories to maintain the normal low cholesterol diet cholesterol intake (300) mg/d 11. test diet is in a specific period of time, by adjusting the content of the diet (to assist in the diagnosis of disease) and (to ensure that laboratory results correct) a diet of 12. occult blood the test diet before the experiment (3 days) caused by fasting (false positive test results) food 13. urinary concentrating function test diet (also known as dry diet), used to check (renal tubular concentration function) 14. B ultrasound examination of gallbladder contraction function, if the first B ultrasound examination, gallbladder development is good, then eating (high fat diet), (30-45) min after the second examination. 15. physiological factors that influence diet and nutrition include age (activity) and (special physiological condition). 16. the ratio of body mass index (body weight kg/ [height M] 2). Who standard (greater than or equal to 30) is obesity, (18.5) is emaciation. The recommended sites for measuring skinfold thickness are 17.who (triceps portion) (lower par


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