破解wpa2的握手包(Crack WPA2 handshake package).doc

破解wpa2的握手包(Crack WPA2 handshake package).doc

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破解wpa2的握手包(Crack WPA2 handshake package)

破解wpa2的握手包(Crack WPA2 handshake package) WPA crack detailed tutorial Break WPA premise: must have legitimate wireless client The principle of WPA crack: Using Deauth authentication attacks. That is, to force the legitimate wireless client to disconnect from the AP, when it is disconnected from the WLAN, the wireless The client automatically attempts to reconnect to the AP, during which the data communication is generated, and then captured using the airodump The four handshake of a wireless router with a wireless client generates a cap package containing four handshakes. Then use the dictionary to do violence Crack. 1. activate the network adapter and let it work on the 11 channel Airmon-ng start wifi0 11 2. capture the 11 channel cap package, and save the cap package for 123.cap Airodump-ng - W 123 - C 11 wifi0 As you can see above, the WPA encryption method is used and there is a 0016b69d10ad legitimate wireless client. 3., Deauth authentication attacks, forced to disconnect the legitimate wireless client and AP direct connection, so that it is re connected Aireplay-ng -0 10, -a, ap, mac, -c, my, wifi0, mac Interpretation: -0 refers to the Deautenticate attack, followed by the number of transmissions. -c suggest or use, the effect will be better, this behind with Is the legal, connected client MAC address that is monitored Notice the red part of the picture, followed by the MAC address of the legitimate wireless client for -c Deauth attacks are often not successful at one attack, and repeated attempts to ensure successful interception (WPA break do not wait until data Data is reached) Tens of thousands, because it only needs a handshake verification package containing WPA4 times. If successful capture will appear in the red section of the following hint China Wireless Forum AnywhereWLAN! 25! At this point, if you enter dir, you can see the handshake package named 123.cap in the root directory. After you get the handshake bag, you can break it directly in the dicti


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