编译原理-词法分析代码(vc++)(Compiler theory - lexical analysis code (vc++)).doc

编译原理-词法分析代码(vc++)(Compiler theory - lexical analysis code (vc++)).doc

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编译原理-词法分析代码(vc++)(Compiler theory - lexical analysis code (vc++)) Time: 2012-10-30 nights Requirements: enter a string of strings, lexical analysis, and in accordance with the string / numbers format to output Species coding: Symbol, species, symbol, species, symbol, species Begin 1 + 13 = 22 If 2-14 23 Then 3 * 15 = 24 While 4 / 16 = 25 Do 5:17; 26 End 6: = 18 (27) L (l|d) * 10, 20) 28 The 11 digital # 0 21 The formal type of digital lexical are as follows: (+|-| epsilon) dd* (.Dd* | epsilon) (E (+|-| epsilon) dd*| epsilon) PS: input string to #. Running environment: VC++6.0 Explanation: most of the digital part of the search for resources on the web is in the form of dd*, but this experiment requires form, and has done a great deal of effort in the digital part. Unlike the dd* form, there are three places -- ch is numeric, ch is +, then numeric, and ch is - followed by numeric form. However, due to the limited level, a relatively short time, each plus or minus must be in the input digital sign, otherwise it will default + - sign instead of plus and minus. I hope there is a simple way to solve the problem. Source code: #include stdio.h / / I/O library used to define some of the macro variables and #include string.h / / String library function #include math.h / / definition of Mathematical Symbols Library Char, prog[80], token[8]; //prog: buffer; Token: a meaningful string Char ch; //ch: the currently processed characters Int, syn, P, m, N, F, e; //syn: categories: P, m, N: count variables, F, sign numbers, plus and minus numbers, e, 10, and so on Double, sum, //sum, numbers Char *rwtab[6]={, begin, if, then, while, do, end}; The basic table / / initialize Void main (void) / main function { Void scaner (void); / / statement function P=0; Printf (\n, enter string: \n); Do{/ / input buffer Ch=getchar (); Prog[p++]=ch; }while (CH =#!); P=0; Do{/ / lexical analysis and output results Scaner (); Switch (SYN) { Case 11:printf ((%2d,%16g) \n, syn, sum); break;



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