教学要为学生终身学习打基础 ——浅谈教学活动中数学思(Teaching should lay the foundation for students Lifelong Learning -- on mathematical thinking in teaching activities).doc

教学要为学生终身学习打基础 ——浅谈教学活动中数学思(Teaching should lay the foundation for students Lifelong Learning -- on mathematical thinking in teaching activities).doc

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教学要为学生终身学习打基础 ——浅谈教学活动中数学思(Teaching should lay the foundation for students Lifelong Learning -- on mathematical thinking in teaching activities)

教学要为学生终身学习打基础 ——浅谈教学活动中数学思(Teaching should lay the foundation for students Lifelong Learning -- on mathematical thinking in teaching activities) Teaching should lay the foundation for students Lifelong Learning On the infiltration of mathematical thought in teaching activities [author] Hu Songlin [author] Hu Songlin, Shanghai Experimental Primary School The so-called mathematical thinking is the knowledge of the contents of mathematics and methods used by nature, it is the understanding of some views of the refining process in some specific mathematics, in the subsequent movement of knowledge was repeatedly proved its correctness, with general significance and relatively stable characteristics, is the rational knowledge of the mathematical laws. Mathematical thought and mathematical knowledge are different and related. Mathematical knowledge is the condition of mathematical thinking. Without mathematical knowledge, there would be no mathematical thought. The difference between them is that the knowledge of mathematics is the knowledge of others, and mathematical thinking is the students own knowledge. Other peoples mathematical knowledge can become students mathematical knowledge through internalization, but it does not belong to students themselves as soon as they are born in mathematical thinking. There are also differences between mathematical thinking and mathematical thinking. Mathematical thinking usually includes thinking as process, and mathematical thinking is the result of thinking. Of course, in primary school mathematics, mathematical thinking and mathematical thinking is also linked, but in general, the latter refers to the direction of thinking, the former refers to the process of thinking. The content of primary school mathematics thoughts contain symbolic thought, thought of classification, decomposition thought, transforming ideas, thoughts, ideas, corresponding optimization function thought, system thinking, collection of thought, the essence o



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