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文章的意义(Significance of the article)

文章的意义(Significance of the article) Treatise Practice and experience of optimizing drug supply chain in hospital Liu Guiyang, Guo Shaolai, Guo Daihong, Cai Jingchuan, Fu Xiaoqun (drug security center, General Hospital of PLA, Beijing 1, 100853; 2 Sinopharm pharmaceutical Limited by Share Ltd, Beijing, 100077) Abstract Objective: to improve the efficiency of hospital drug management and drug circulation in the hospital, the hospital drug supply chain optimization. Methods: according to the modern logistics theory, the method and process of hospital drug purchase, drug distribution and drug management were optimized, and a new drug logistics support software was developed based on hospital HIS system. Results: 7 measures were taken to improve the supply chain of the original drugs in the hospital, and the establishment of the drug logistics support system was initially established, and good results were achieved in the actual operation. Conclusion: on the basis of improving the level of hospital informatization, the introduction of modern logistics theory to optimize and transform the drug supply chain is an effective way to improve the hospital drug support capability and management level. Keywords drug supply chain management; third party logistics; hospital information system; chart classification number: R95; document identification code; A; Article Number: 1672-8157 (2008) 05 - 0001 - 0311121 Practice and experience of optimizing medical supply chain flows in our hospital LIU Gui-yang1, GUO Shao-lai1, GUO Dai-hong1, CAI Jing-chuan2, FU Xiao-qun PLA General (1 Hospital, 100853 Beijing, 2 Chi-; One 那国家医药有限公司,北京,100077) 文摘:目的:提高药品管理水平,提高药品流通效率,采用系统优化方法。方法:根据现代物流理论,优化药品采购、物流配送和药品管理流程。并开发了一个药品供应物流系统的子系统。结果:在医疗供应链管理中采取了七项措施,初步建立了医院物流系统。这些措施取得了良好的效果。结论:在高水平的基础上,优化医药供应链流程,建立医院物流体系,提高药品管理水平。关键词医疗供应链管理;第三方物流;医院信息系统(HIS) The drug supply chain in hospital mainly includes drug purchase and introduction, drug distribution from pharmacy store to pharmacy, pharmacy, drug delivery



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