无线网络时断时连解决方法大全(Even when when the wireless network solutions Daquan).doc

无线网络时断时连解决方法大全(Even when when the wireless network solutions Daquan).doc

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无线网络时断时连解决方法大全(Even when when the wireless network solutions Daquan)

无线网络时断时连解决方法大全(Even when when the wireless network solutions Daquan) The wireless network off even when 2010-4-26 17:14 ing | questionger: floating reward points: 10 | Views: 1106 Own home wireless network, use the notebook, will automatically disconnect, will automatically connect, and put together another machine, there is no problem. Whats going on? The network card is ok. 2010-4-26 17:57 is the best answer to this is normal, because you have 1 wireless fixed IP address, the first open wireless, after the opening of the desktop is squeezed out 2 because your wireless network card function is not strong, is pushed by others 3 your wireless card and router do not work well together! Solve: right click the wireless network connection, choose repair. If you to manually add IP address, general router is the gateway, IP is set to , the middle is no longer is the wireless card to your wireless signal and you do not match, the wireless signal 801.2/a/b/g/n DNS you check your city on the Internet, add on the OK, and I hope to help you I suggest you reinstall the wireless network card driver, if not, press the following settings to open wireless network services, configure my wireless network settings with Windows, see OK no! 1. start run, type services.msc and then click OK, open the list of Windows services: Find and double-click Wireless Zero Configuration in the service list Change the startup type to auto, and click apply Click start again under the status of service, and then click ok 2.. The start control panel network connection, click the wireless network connection, there are three tabs in the picture frame, respectively is normal, wireless network configuration and advanced, Go to the wireless network configuration tab, tick in the box before using Windows to configure my wireless network settings, and then click OK 3. start control panel network connection, click the wireless network connection, select view available wireless connection. The wireless net


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