果汁搭配2(Fruit juice 2).doc

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果汁搭配2(Fruit juice 2)

果汁搭配2(Fruit juice 2) Pear juice: in autumn, drink plenty of pear juice to moisten the lungs and relieve cough Fresh fruit juice: different fruits and vegetables, if a reasonable match, can also play a therapeutic role In the heat of summer, nothing is more pleasant than a cup of sour, sweet iced drinks! Now, the concept of complex beverage complex, dazzling, and consumer tastes and all kinds of, to be cool, but should have more nutrition, drink what is best for you to drink? I do not know from what time, all kinds of drinks began to replace boiled water, mineral water, has become the main drink in our lives. Its colorful colors and refreshing, sweet and sour taste make more and more people fondle admiringly. Although the main component of the drink is water, but to supplement the body because of activities or sports consumption of sugar, inorganic salts, vitamins and other useful substances, to maintain the bodys water, electrolyte balance function can not be ignored. What functions does summer drink have? Recently, the reporter interviewed the Beijing Food Research Institute Professor Zhang Jiazhi. Fruit juice beverage The intake of fruits and vegetables is very common in our country, but juice and vegetable juice just make up for this gap. Now, all kinds of fruit juice and vegetable juice drinks on the market up to dozens of Beijing Food Research Institute Professor Zhang Jiazhi said, the vast majority of fruit juice drinks are not pure fruit juice, the juice content is only 50%. It is understood that the pure juice is the fruit and vegetable processing made of unfermented juice, natural water loss or adding concentrated fruit juice in concentrated fruit juice in the original pulp, the color and flavor of the fruit, the original vitamin substances will not be destroyed. The juice is water, juice and sugar and acid composition modulation, fruit juice content of less than half of pure fruit juice. Benefits: fruit juice is not high heat, contains a lot of trace eleme


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