果树营养分配要点(Main points of nutrient distribution in fruit trees).doc

果树营养分配要点(Main points of nutrient distribution in fruit trees).doc

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果树营养分配要点(Main points of nutrient distribution in fruit trees)

果树营养分配要点(Main points of nutrient distribution in fruit trees) The fruit trees flower of difficulty and strong time, fruit size, quality, yield and alternate bearing phenomenon, depends largely on tree nutrition status. The distribution rules of the annual nutrition cycle of fruit trees are briefly explained. The management points of deciduous fruit trees such as apples and pears are briefly explained. Spring and spring are the period of organ building with storage nutrition: this period includes germination, leaf development, flowering, and the rapid growth of new shoots before germination. The construction of energy and new organs for all life activities of fruit trees during this period relies mainly on the storage of nutrients during the previous year. It can be seen that the amount of nutrient in storage is not only related to early spring germination, leaf development, flowering, pollination, fruit setting and shoot growth, but also affects the growth and development of fruit trees and the accumulation of assimilate in the later stage. If flowering is excessive, shoot and root growth will be inhibited, and fruit size and bud formation will not be guaranteed. The results of experiments on apples and pears show that the enlargement of fruit cells is closely related to the leaf area after leaf unfolding in spring. Storage of high nutritional level of fruit trees, large and thick leaves, flowering early and orderly, and the external environment has a strong resistance to the performance of large leaves, strong branches, high fruit set, rapid growth and so on. Fruit after flowering, shoot growth, fruit development and flower bud physiological differentiation of nutrient demand increase, roots, branches of nutrient storage because of the spring growth of consumption gradually exhausted, but leaves only long to about age 70% when the leaf area (that is, apple and pear flower after the bright leaf stage) made of light product to Sinotrans, so nutrient critical or conve



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