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摘 要 本文从柠檬酸及其用途,总体工艺建设方案,原料及其处理,发酵及醪液处理工艺,粗提与精制工艺蒸发、结晶、分离、干燥等几个方面,简介工艺设计中的基本方法。在本工程的设计中,原料处理及发酵工艺的确定。采用了玉米干法脱胚粉碎或薯干直接粉碎调浆、液化(玉米液化浆)压滤、低压连续喷射灭菌,液体深层发酵的工艺路线。在提取精制工艺方面,本设计提取工艺仍采用钙盐提取的工艺路线。  Abstract In this paper, and the use of citric acid, the overall technology development programs, materials and processing, mash fermentation and processing technology, the crude and the refining process evaporation, crystallization, separation, drying areas, briefing the basic method of process design. I designed annual output of 20,000 tons of citric acid plant extraction plant, completing the design process and plant layout. Uses dry germ of maize crushing or grinding mixing dry matter directly, liquefied (liquefied corn syrup) filter press, continuous low pressure spray sterilization, submerged fermentation process route. In the extraction and purification process, the extraction process of the design process is still using calcium extraction line. This method is mature technology, raw materials readily available, easy to operate, stable product quality, and the total yield of 80% -90%. I design to minimize equipment costs, maximize the  utilization of equipment and workshop space, access to information on chemical equipment design manual, and through careful calculation and strict to select the device. Finally, We will drawing flow chart, extraction plant equipment layout, And to prepare detailed design specifications. Keywords: Citric acid extract plant design   目 录 摘 要 i Abstract ii 1 绪 论 1 1.1柠檬酸发展简史 1  1.2国内外柠檬酸生产情况及展望 2 1.3设计依据 4 2工艺流程设计 5 2.1 生产方法的选择 5 2.2工艺条件的确定 7 2.2.1柠檬酸的生物合成 7 2.2.2糖化工艺 9 2.2.3发酵工艺 11 2.2.4提取工艺 14 3 工艺计算 18 3.1计算依据 18 3.1.1生产能力 18 3.1.2主要技术经济指标 18 3.2提取车间物料衡算 18 4 提取车间设备计算及选型 20 4.1板框过滤机 20 4.2低位储罐 21 4.3滤渣洗水储罐 21  4.4碳酸钙调浆桶 21 4.5 CaCO3高位储罐 22 4.6中和桶 22 4.7柠檬酸钙过滤机 22 4.8酸解锅 23 4.9 CaSO4过滤 23 4.10酸解液储罐 24 4.11 CaSO4洗水罐 24 4.12热水储罐 25 4.13酸储罐 25 4.14 H2S04高位储罐 25 4.15真空抽滤罐 25 4.16水汽衡算 26 5 提取车间布置说明 29 5.1设计依据 29 5.1.1建筑设计规范 29 5.2.1基础资料 29


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