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拉萨地区藏族服饰文化研究 摘 要 独特而丰富多彩的拉萨藏族服饰文化的形成,首先取决于其民族内部不同地域的自然环境。除了自然环境之外,其与其他所有民族传统文化一样,拉萨藏族服饰的形成也经历了一个长期发展、演进、融会的漫长历史,该地区的服饰反映了拉萨地区藏族的悠久的历史、休养生息的地理环境、生产生活方式、文化传统、审美意识、价值观念以及藏族同周围其他民族的关系等综合知识,正是因为这些,使得其具有风格种类款式的多样,风采独特,色泽鲜明和工艺精湛等显著特点。不仅如此,拉萨地区藏族服饰种类较多,有的稳沉宁静,有的华美富丽;既有珠光宝气的装饰,又有平淡无奇的打扮。既有具有古朴神秘气息色彩、纹样的布料,又有单调如一的服饰。 另外,该地区服饰具有色彩斑斓的审美特征,形状各异整体配套的风格特征,有文化内涵的图案装饰特征以及有多种功能的生活艺术性特征。 拉萨服饰文化是藏族文化的重要组成部分,是经过千余年历史发展的结晶。丰富多彩的藏族服饰,是藏民族创造的一种独特的文化和艺术。要保护传统的藏文化,服饰文化尤其是拉萨地区的服饰文化将会成为一个必不可少的保护对象。但是在其发展的过程中必须注重五性,即民族性、时代性、美观性、生活性和环保性。 关键词: 拉萨;藏族服饰;文化;特征;研究 Abstract This article is the result of the Lhasa area Tibetan national minoritys on-the-spot investigation and the research, wrote the Tibetan national minority to have the representative clothing characteristic, namely style type design many and varied, unique elegant demeanor, the bright luster and the exquisite craft, and these were the Lhasa area Tibetan clothing culture remarkable characteristics, not only that, this article also let everybody understand Lhasa area clothing had reflected the Lhasa area Tibetan national minoritys glorious history, rested and built up strength geographical environment, production life style, cultural tradition, esthetic consciousness, value idea as well as Tibetan national minority with periphery other nationalitys relations and also comprehensive knowledge.Has the region representative Lhasa area in particular to Tibetan national minoritys clothing culture research antipode the clothing culture research, has unfolded the contemporary Tibetans culture and the life survey, has reflected the contemporary Tibetans inner world as well as they in the 21st century society reforming and the culture reconstruction brand-new spirit, the cultural life style.Moreover, in the new historical period, Lhasa area Tibetan clothing innovation, regarding the impetus entire Tibetan national minority area clothing innovation, demonstrated it more richly colorfu


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