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6. 对指纹的偶然发现, 有助于弄清他被派来调查的凶杀案。 The casual discovery of the fingerprint shed some light on the murder he had been sent to look into. 上一页 the casual discovery of… shed some light on Back IV. Exercises—Translation 下一页 be sent to look into 7. 玛丽不愿向陌生人吐露心声,只是朝他尴尬地笑了笑。 Unwilling to lay bare her private thoughts to a stranger, Mary only gave him an awkward smile. 上一页 lay bare one’s private thoughts be unwilling to Back IV. Exercises—Translation 下一页 give him an awkward smile 8. 重要的不是订婚双方对对方有没有信心,而是客观地看待婚姻本身,它与浪漫的爱情无关。 What matters is not whether the engaged couple have faith in each other, but to view the marriage as it is, which has no bearing on romantic love. 上一页 what matters view the marriage as it is have no bearing on IV. Exercises—Translation Back 下一页 自20世纪80年代初以来,婚前协议在美国被越来越多的人接受,因为当时越来越多的州开始通过关于离婚财产分配的法律。 1. Prenups have been gaining in acceptance in the United States since the early 1980s, when more states began passing laws that affected the division of financial assets in a divorce. IV. Exercises—Translation 上一页 XI. Translate the following into Chinese. 《读写教程 Ⅲ》: Ex. XI, p. 253 Back 下一页 名人的婚前协议总是头条新闻: 杰奎琳·肯尼迪·奥纳西斯的律师在亚里士多德·奥纳西斯死后拿出两人的婚前协议对簿公堂,据说后来在庭外和解中赢得了2,600万美元。 2. The prenups of the famous make the headlines: lawyers for Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis contested the prenuptial agreement between her and Aristotle Onassis after his death, reportedly winning $26 million in an out-of-court settlement. IV. Exercises—Translation 上一页 Back 下一页 典型的欲签订婚前协议的人是那些积存了大量财富的男性,他们曾吃过苦头,因而想减少自己日后的麻烦。 3. A typical candidate for a prenuptial agreement is a man who has accumulated considerable wealth, has already been stung once, and wants to reduce his exposure to future problems. IV. Exercises—Translation 上一页 Back 下一页 保护自己的资产,使之能传到儿子和孙子手中,这种努力使婚前契约在已退休并丧偶、又准备再婚的六七十岁的老人当中更为常见。 4. The effort to shield assets to be passed on to children and grandchildren is making prenups more common among retired people in their 60s and 70s who are remarrying after a spouse has



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