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基于linux系统的图形单机版农场游戏 摘要 随着社会的发展,人们的生活越来越丰富多彩,特别是网络的飞速发展,让人们可以在工作之余享受更多的乐趣和缓解工作压力。加上经济的发展,大部分的家庭都有一台计算机不再是梦想,当然能不能够连接网络这是个关键的问题,本设计就是把网络曾非常流行的农场游戏实现没有网络的情况下也可以享受种菜的快乐。 C++是一种是用非常广泛的计算机语言,它支持程序化程序设计、数据抽象、面向对象程序设计、制作图标等等多种程序设计风格。本设计使用了mysql数据库,C++面向对象设计方法,以及Qt图形程序设计方法。本设计是在linux下使用集成开发环境Qt开发的图形界面版开心农场游戏,该系统总共分为5大模块即登录注册模块、农场模块、土地模块、作物模块、用户模块。论文详细论述了系统的可行性分析、需求分析、详细设计及实现过程。经过测试,系统完成了开心农场游戏的功能,性能良好。 关键字:农场游戏;C++;mysql;linux;Qt Graphics and stand-alone farm game Based on Linux system Abstract With the?development of society, peoples lives?more?colorful, especially with?the rapid development of?the network,?people can?enjoy more?fun?in?his spare time?and ease the?work pressure.?Coupled with?economic development,?most of the?households having?a computer?is no longer a?dream, but this is a critical issue when it is impossible to connect to the network. This paper is to design a graphics and stand-alone farm game which is very popular in the network, so that people can enjoy growing vegetables without network. C++ is a very wide range of computer language that supports procedural programming, data abstraction, object-oriented programming, making icons, and a variety of programming style. The design uses a mysql database, C++ object-oriented design methods, and the Qt graphical programming. The graphical interface version of Qt happy farm game is developed with the integrated development environment based on Linux. The system is divided into five major modules namely Login module, the module farms, land module, crop module, and player module. The feasibility analysis, requirements analysis, detailed design and implementation process are discussed in detail. After?testing, the function of the farm?system is realized with good performance. Keywords: Game farms; C++; mysql; linux; Qt 目录 1 绪论 1 1.1 课题背景 1 1.2 课题目的和意义 1 1.2.1 课题目的 1 1.2.2 课题的意义 1 1.3 设计现状和发展趋势 1 2 linux和Qt简介 3 2.1 linux概述 3 2.1.1 linux内核 3 2.1.2 linux基本思想 3 2.1.3 linux的应用 3 2.2 linux的特性 4 2.2.1 完全免费 4 2.2.2 完全兼容POS


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