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国际商务合同的文体与翻译 Style and Translation of International Business Contract Contents Default Clause 依法成立的合同,对当事人具有法律约束力。当事人应当按照约定履行自己的义务,不得擅自变更或者解除合同 Default Clause 违约是指国际商务合同的一方当事人或双方当事人未能按双方签订的合同或有关法律或公约规定的内容认真地、全面地、有效地履行合同中约定的义务,从而有损于一方或双方在订立该合同时预期的经济目的。 Default Clause 承担违约责任的方式: 1. Compensation for Damages (赔偿损失) 赔偿损失指违约方(Defaulting party)给另一方的财产损失予以补偿,其目的在于弥补违约时给受害方(Damaged party)造成损失的合同利益。 Default Clause If a party fails to perform the contract or its performance of the contractual obligations does not conform to the agreed terms and thereby causes damage to the other party, the amount of damage compensation shall be equivalent to the damage caused by the breach of the contract, Default Clause … including the obtainable gains from the performance of the contract, but not exceeding the amount of damage possibly caused by the breach of the contract which was foreseen or should have been foreseen by the violating party at the time of the conclusion of the contract… Default Clause 在确定赔偿损失的范围时,应坚持以实际损失和 所失利益为赔偿标准,以及坚持赔偿数额的可预 见性。这就是合同中有关“损害赔偿限制” (Limitation of Damages)方面的规定。凡一方对 另一方损害负有赔偿责任时(either party is liable in damages to the other) ,其赔偿不应超过有 错的一方在订立合同时能够合理地预见到的损失 (these shall not exceed the damage which the party in default could reasonably have foreseen at the time of the formation of the contract ) Default Clause Default Clause 承担违约责任的方式: 2. Penalty (违约金) 如果合同当事人采取违约金的形式,一定要在合同中明确违反合同时,一方向另一方支付的具体数额的违约金和违约金支付的形式 Default Clause The parties may stipulate in a contract that if either party breaches the contract it shall pay a certain amount of damages for breach of the contract to the other party, depending on the situation of the breach of the contract. They may also stipulate a method for calculating the damages resulting from such a breach Default Clause 违约金的约定应该适当,一般不得超过违反合同一方 订立合同时应当预见到的因违反合同可能造成的损失 但是,约定的违约金过分高于或低于违反合同所造成 的损失的(If the contractually agreed breach of contract damages are far more or far less than is necessary to


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