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TCD对昏迷患者监测临床意义   作者:李松奎,刘姣长,韩其颖,刘海霞,卢艳晨 【摘要】 目的 观察不同病因、不同程度昏迷病人的TCD特点。方法 选择62例昏迷病人,记录昏迷原因、生命体征及有关辅助检查资料,同时进行TCD监测,观察频谱形态、颅内血流变化。结果 浅昏迷患者的TCD表现无特征性改变,当出现中度昏迷或深昏迷时,颅内幕上结构损害患者TCD表现与文献报告相似,颅内幕下结构损害、代谢及弥漫性脑病患者大脑中动脉血流速度改变不明显,但死亡的18例病人中有13例出现了收缩期末血流速低于舒张期末血流速。结论 颅内幕下结构损害、代谢及弥漫性脑病患者脑血流变化不明显,中度昏迷及深昏迷患者出现收缩期末血流速低于舒张期末血流速多提示脑血管自动调节功能丧失、预后不佳。 【关键词】 昏迷;经颅多普勒超声 【Abstract】 Objective To observe the TCD characteristics of patients of different causes and different stages of coma. Methods In 62 cases of coma patients, record the causes of coma , life signs and related physical examination data.At the same time, monitor the TCD characteristics, observe the frequency spectrum form and the blood flow velocity in cranial vessels. Results The TCD manifestations of patients with semicoma have no characteristic change. In moderate or deep coma patients, who have intracranial supratentorial injury, the TCD manifestations are similar to related documents. The blood flow velocity of middle cerebral artery of patients with subtentorial brain injury or metabolic or diffused brain diseases have no obvious change. But in the 18 dead cases, there are 13 whose blood fiow velocity of end systolic stage are lower than those of end diastolic stage. Conclusion The blood flow velocity of patients with subtentorial brain injury or metabolic or diffused brain disease have no obvious change. The moderate and deep coma patients, if their blood flow velocity of end systolic stage are lower than end diastolic stage, will lose the auto-regulatory function of cerebral blood vessels, as lead to a bad prognosis. 【Key words】 coma;transcranial Doppler ultrasound 经颅多普勒超声(transcranial Doppler, TCD)是动态观察颅内大血管血流动力学状态最理想的方法,而且具有经济、无创、方便等优点。近年来许多学者运用TCD技术对颅内高压、深昏迷及脑死亡的脑血流频谱形态、相关参数进行了研究,认为可粗略地判断颅内压(ICP)的高低,并作为判断脑死亡的重要依据之一。为此,我们自1996年5月~2002年8月对62例不同原因、不同程度的昏迷患者进行了床边TCD监测,现将结果报告如下。 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料 全部病人均来自急诊科、重症监护中心及神经科病房,62例中男36例,女26例;年龄14~77岁(平均41.97±17.14岁)。其中深昏迷22例,死亡17例;中度昏迷28例,死亡5例;浅昏迷12例,无死亡。昏迷病人的病因及预后


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