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30 4 Vo l. 30 N o. 4 2007 4 CH IN ESE JO U RN A L O F CO M PU T ER S A pr. 2007 王 雪 王 晟 马俊杰 ( 100084) . , . , . . , , . , , , . , . T P 393 Parallel Particle Swarm Optimization Based Mobile Sensor Node Deployment in Wireless Sensor Networks WA N G Xu e WA N G Sheng MA Jun-J ie (State Key Laboratory of Precision M easurement Technology and I nstruments, Dep artment of Precision I nstruments, Tsinghua University , eij ing 100084) Abstract Sen so r node deploym ent is one o f t he key t op ics addressed in t he researches of w ireless sensor net w ork s ( W SN s) . W SN s alw ay s co nsist of st at ionary and mobile sensor nodes. V ir tu al for ce ( V F ) algor it hm can not co nquer t he im pact of stat ionar y sen sor no des because for ce ex ert ed by stat ionar y sensor nodes w ill f ett er t he m ovements of mo bile sen so r nodes, w hich w ill st rongly det erior at e it s p er for mance. T his p aper pr opo ses a self- o rganizing t echnique for enhancing the cov erag e of W SN s, w hich is so- called p arallel part icle sw ar m opt imizat io n ( PP SO) . PSO is an outst anding algorit hm for solving m ult-i dimension f unct io n opt imizat io n in cont inuou s space and has a series of advant ages


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