2015清北生物系统学 - 副本.ppt

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2015清北生物系统学 - 副本

* 鞭毛(flagellum):细菌体表的细长、波曲的丝状附属物为鞭毛,数目为一到数十根,功能是运动。 检查:电子显微镜直接观察,经鞭毛染色后在光学显微镜下观察,观察暗视野中水浸片或悬滴中运动着的细菌,半固体培养基穿刺接种观察,观察平板菌落形状。 构造:阳性菌鞭毛的基体由S、M两个环组成,阴性菌鞭毛的基体由L、P、S、M四个环组成,环中央有鞭毛杆(rod)串插着,鞭毛杆外侧联接一个钩形鞘(hook),其上长有一条长约10~20μm的鞭毛丝(filament)。鞭毛丝一般是由三股鞭毛蛋白链呈螺旋、平行或中间方式紧密结合组成的。 幻灯片047.049.050 示细菌鞭毛的基粒构造。 着生方式:弧菌、螺菌、假单胞菌和部分杆菌有鞭毛,个别球菌也有鞭毛,如Planococcus(动性球菌属)。(幻灯片044.045.046.051) 一根:霍乱弧菌(Vibrio cholerae),蛭弧菌(Bdellovibrio spp.), 一端生 缺陷假单胞菌(Pseudomonas diminuta)等 端生 一束:荧光假单胞菌(P.fluorescens)等 两端生 一根:鼠咬热螺旋体(Spirochaeta mosusmuris)等 一束:红色螺菌(Spirillum rubrum),蔓延螺菌(S.serpens)等 鞭毛着 生方式 肠杆菌科:大肠杆菌,伤寒沙门氏菌(Salmonella typhi),奇异变形杆菌 周生 (Proteus mirabilis)等 芽孢杆菌科:枯草杆菌,丙酮丁醇梭菌(Chroteridium acetobutylicum)等 ? 侧生:反刍月形单胞菌(Selenomonas ruminantium) ? 运动速度:(幻灯片052.053)一般每秒20~80μm,例如Pseudomonas aeruginosa(铜绿假单胞菌)每秒可移动55μm,是其自身体长的20~30倍。 应用意义:分类鉴定。 ◆a. Flagellum Made of the protein flagellin and consists of a filament and basal region. The basal region has a hook and a basal body which has a rod and rings. Gram positive organisms have 2 rings, one in the cell wall and one in the cell membrane. Gram negative organisms have 4 rings, 2 in the cell wall and 2 in the cell membrane. ▼FLAGELLA are the final structures that passes through the cell wall. Flagella are long, rigid protein rods that provide movement to many motile bacteria. At their base is a MOTOR that is driven by a flow of PROTONS from the outside of the cell inward; much like a turbine in a dam is driven by the flow of water through it. The number and arrangement of flagella on a cell is part of its GENETIC CHARACTERISTICS and is used to describe each species. In lab #exercises #1 & 2 you will observe bacteria swimming through your wet mounts and you will see a laser disk animation of the RUN 'n TUMBLE movement of bacteria. In #exercise #7 you will use a soft-agar medium to determine if a cell is motile or not. Can you draw a picture of how a motile bacteria would look 24 hours


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