西南交通大学本科毕业设计(论文)工作规定(试行) - 检索课教学(Provisions of Southwest Jiao Tong University on graduation design (Thesis) work (for Trial Implementation) - Retrieval Course Teaching).doc

西南交通大学本科毕业设计(论文)工作规定(试行) - 检索课教学(Provisions of Southwest Jiao Tong University on graduation design (Thesis) work (for Trial Implementation) - Retrieval Course Teaching).doc

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西南交通大学本科毕业设计(论文)工作规定(试行) - 检索课教学(Provisions of Southwest Jiao Tong University on graduation design (Thesis) work (for Trial Implementation) - Retrieval Course Teaching)

西南交通大学本科毕业设计(论文)工作规定(试行) - 检索课教学(Provisions of Southwest Jiao Tong University on graduation design (Thesis) work (for Trial Implementation) - Retrieval Course Teaching) Southwest Jiao Tong University graduate design (Thesis) writing standards Graduation project (Thesis) is an important teaching link to achieve the goal of student training, and its quality is an important basis to measure teaching level, students graduation and degree qualification certification. Graduation project (Thesis) writing is one of the basic training of undergraduate training process, and must be carried out in accordance with the established norms. Instructors should strengthen guidance and strict checks. Graduation design (Thesis) should be written in accordance with the relevant standards formulated by the state and professional departments, in line with Chinese grammar standards. 1 content requirements 1.1 topic The topic should reflect the research content of this subject correctly and accurately. Graduation project (Thesis) Chinese title should not more than 25 words, no subtitle. 1.2 summary and key words 1.2.1 summary Abstract is a brief statement of the content of graduation project (Thesis). It is a short essay with independence and integrity. The abstract should include the creative achievements of this design and its theoretical and practical significance. It is not suitable to use formulas and charts in the abstract without reference to the reference number. Avoid writing abstracts into content catalogs. 1.2.2 keywords Keyword is a subject entry for retrieval, and a general technical entry covering the main content of the graduation project (referring to the corresponding technical terms) should be used. The general arrangement is 3~5, according to the extension of the entry arrangement. 1.3 graduation design (Thesis) text The graduation project (Thesis) includes the introduction, the main body of the thesis and the conclusion. 1.3.1 introduction The introduction is usually the


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