西班牙语发音全解(Full articulation of Spanish pronunciation).doc

西班牙语发音全解(Full articulation of Spanish pronunciation).doc

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西班牙语发音全解(Full articulation of Spanish pronunciation)

西班牙语发音全解(Full articulation of Spanish pronunciation) 1, Spanish pronunciation is not difficult, much easier than english. 2, Spanish letters 27, 5 vowel pronunciation is unchanged rules, in any case pronunciation. 3, there are 22 consonants, of which only B, C, D, G, V, x, in different parts of the pronunciation changes, other consonants have no change. 4, English pronunciation is very beautiful, Cervantes was known as the breeze. A. a B C Spanish Alphabet: D E F G H I J K L M n o p q r s? T U V W x y z The alphabet should read as follows: A, be, CE, e, EFE, Ge, hache, I, Jota, Ka, ele, EME, ene, e, e, O, PE, Ku, ere,, ESE, zeta, Te, De, griega, u, I, uve, uve, doble, EQUIS, and I 94 years ago, there were two letters CH and LL. In 94, the Royal Academy of Sciences decided to cancel them and think of them as double consonants, so the dictionary published 94 years later will no longer appear as a separate letter. But the two double consonants still have separate pronunciations. Ch is equivalent to the Chinese phonetic alphabet Qie, while ll is equivalent to eye. B. vowel a, e, I, O, U and its pronunciation is equivalent to the Chinese phonetic alphabet a, Ai, I, Ao, U. Among them, a, e, O are strong vowels, and I and u are weak vowels. B.1. a vowel makes the unit sound. A combination of two vowels (one strong, one weak, or two weak) that form a double vowel. There are 14 double vowels: AI, Au, EI, EU, OI, ou, IA, ie, IO, uo, IU, UA, UE, UI, and i.. When pronouncing, stress should be placed on the strong cause, and the two weak vowels combine with the double vowel accent on the last vowel. B.2. combining three vowels (one strong and two weak), forming three heavy vowels. There are few words in a verb. C. consonant The Chinese is most difficult to pronounce R, retroflex retroflex, and Russian. Distinguish between single vibrato and multiple vibrato: RR is multi vibrato, R is multi vibrato at the beginning of the word, and the other is a single tremolo. It is important t


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