论古代复方药物分别提取(On the extraction of ancient compound drugs).doc

论古代复方药物分别提取(On the extraction of ancient compound drugs).doc

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论古代复方药物分别提取(On the extraction of ancient compound drugs)

论古代复方药物分别提取(On the extraction of ancient compound drugs) On the extraction of ancient compound drugs Update Date: 2010-07-09 Click: Care There are two kinds of extraction methods of Chinese herbal medicine: first, the mixed extraction, that is, the combination of the same group of drugs; one is extracted separately, including individual extraction and packet extraction. Modern Chinese medicine preparations are mostly prepared by the extraction of effective parts, such as water extract, alcohol extract, volatile oil, etc., to control the process and quality of Chinese medicine preparations. But the way were extracted by some Chinese medicine professionals strongly opposed, they think that the drug in compound prescription of traditional Chinese medicine since ancient times are group of drugs with the Decoction and has never used separate extraction, so the traditional Chinese medicine preparation only by mixed extraction, to adhere to the traditional Chinese medicine characteristics. This view seems to preserve the tradition of traditional Chinese medicine, but in fact it is a one-sided denial of the scientific practice of ancient Chinese medicine and pharmacy. Long term history of Chinese medicine has proved that the medicine used by the ancient people is not limited to mixed extraction, but also often selected according to the clinical needs of the flexible extraction methods. It can be seen that the methods used in the extraction of traditional Chinese medicine are in line with the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine. Therefore the author will compound Chinese medicine ancient literature respectively on the extraction method of the following. 1 Extraction of compound drugs Decoction used in ancient times for the extraction of mixed, but also exclude, respectively, extraction. For example, decoction method of fried against another suit and at the end of the research. method is a typical were extracted, it started from Zhang Zhongjing. Typhoid fever in t



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