论坚持德才兼备、以德为先的用人标准(On employing standard of having both ability and political integrity and taking morality as the first).doc

论坚持德才兼备、以德为先的用人标准(On employing standard of having both ability and political integrity and taking morality as the first).doc

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论坚持德才兼备、以德为先的用人标准(On employing standard of having both ability and political integrity and taking morality as the first)

论坚持德才兼备、以德为先的用人标准(On employing standard of having both ability and political integrity and taking morality as the first) On employing standard of having both ability and political integrity and taking morality as the first Sima Guang Zizhitongjian pointed out: who is the capital of Germany; Germany, only the handsome. This remark has implications for todays understanding of the relationship between Virtue and talent. Virtue is the direction and soul of talent. It is the internal motive force of only development, and talent is the basic condition and foundation for the success of human development. Between the two, Virtue is the first and foremost, and the selection of talents must take virtue as the first priority. We must oppose the two points of view, that is to say, having both ability and political integrity in isolation and to take morality as the first priority. In isolation, having both ability and political integrity seems to pay attention to the dialectical unity of Virtue and talent, but it does not distinguish between primary and secondary, and eventually destroys the unity of morality, talent and talent. In isolation, Taking Germany as the first seems to distinguish between primary and secondary, but not to speak of moral, only dialectical unity and complementary relations, and ultimately hurt moral and harm germany. There is no Virtue and talent, called the philistine. Mediocre villain, meet the eye everywhere in history. The party on the fourth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee, have both ability and political integrity to Germany for the first with the standard discussion on our scientific understanding and correct understanding of the connotation of Virtue and morality and only and establish a scientific and democratic selection mechanism, has important theoretical significance and practical significance. Compared with talent, de is more difficult to identify, the so-called test jade to burn three days full, identification of material



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