论如何提高网络广告的传播效果(How to improve the effect of network advertisement).doc

论如何提高网络广告的传播效果(How to improve the effect of network advertisement).doc

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论如何提高网络广告的传播效果(How to improve the effect of network advertisement)

论如何提高网络广告的传播效果(How to improve the effect of network advertisement) ======================================== page first ======================================== How to improve the effect of network advertisement 200840403108 Advertisement Zhangyingxian Abstract: In recent years, the Internet has maintained a high speed of development, and the Internet advertising relying on the Internet has also developed rapidly. network The vast network of information, how to make the dissemination of advertising information to achieve the desired results is essential. Give full play to network advertisement information, Information dissemination in a timely manner and interactive strong, rich means of expression, large information capacity, network communication channels and other diverse dissemination Advantage enables advertising to communicate effectively to target consumers, and connects e-commerce platforms to enhance access from advertising information to purchase Conversion rate. Key word: online advertising interactive quality For entertainment Viral marketing Network communication channel communication effect Text: Online advertising, that is, the network as the media to convey advertising information to the audience. There are various forms of online advertisement, such as banner advertisement and inserting Page ads, button ads, sponsored ads, email ads, game placements, Flash Advertising, search engine bidding The ranking, rich media advertising, advertising, promotion and competition of enterprise website advertising, advertising wallpaper and so on. Normally, the net is called Internet advertising generally refers to banner advertising, which is a continuation of traditional media advertising forms The exhibition is relatively perfect, but it does not give full play to the advantages of the network. The emergence of the Internet has led to a qualitative leap in communication Well, online advertising should make a qualitative leap in advertising and enter the era of bi



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