论新世纪我国国际私法的发展取向(On the development orientation of Chinas international private law in the new century).doc

论新世纪我国国际私法的发展取向(On the development orientation of Chinas international private law in the new century).doc

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论新世纪我国国际私法的发展取向(On the development orientation of Chinas international private law in the new century)

论新世纪我国国际私法的发展取向(On the development orientation of Chinas international private law in the new century) Pdf format file download [journal name] contemporary law On the development orientation of Chinas international private law in the new century [author] Guo Dexiang [author unit] Zhengzhou University Law School [classification] [98] the total number of private international law [journal] [8] years 2003 issue [page number] 104 [] [] the magic citation code CLI.A.178194 use since the reform and opening up, with the increase of the establishment of Chinas socialist market economic system and participate in the international civil and commercial exchanges, the private international law in China after 20 years of practice and exploration, has achieved great development. At present, with the rapid development of world economic integration and Chinas successful accession to the world trade organization, Chinese participate in international civil and commercial exchanges increased greatly, which puts forward higher requirements on private international law of China in the new century. Therefore, it is necessary for us to correctly examine the legislative status quo of Chinas private international law, in order to accurately grasp the development orientation of private international law in China, promoting Chinas private international law to further improve and promote the early and advanced world standards of private international law. I. legislation status of Chinas international private law Since the party after the third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, Chinas full implementation of the opening-up policy, private international law legislation and judicial activities, corresponding has got great development, it can be said that China has made great achievements in the legislation of private international law, international private law China formed a preliminary outline, specific performance is as follows: 1. in terms of substantive law in China: 1986 civ



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