论文-家用烧烤类电器方案浅析(Analysis of household barbecue appliances scheme).doc

论文-家用烧烤类电器方案浅析(Analysis of household barbecue appliances scheme).doc

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论文-家用烧烤类电器方案浅析(Analysis of household barbecue appliances scheme)

论文-家用烧烤类电器方案浅析(Analysis of household barbecue appliances scheme) Analysis of household barbecue appliances scheme Abstract Household barbecue appliances in recent years slowly into some families, it is slowly changing the different families on the concept of diet. The development trend of household barbecue appliances is mainly the use of health and convenience of use. Convenience is that every product must follow the rules for health related products for each with food is an important index in the current development trend of view, health problems, people pay more and more attention to diet, it is not the peoples yearning for the future life, is also a kind of trend, so in the purchase of these products, consumers will pay more attention to this problem. This barbecue appliances kitchen small household appliances has been out of charcoal barbecue charcoal ash pollution food, but still need to improve, so the convenience and health of this product design mainly from the aspects of product shape, color, material, style. This paper discusses how to better solve the barbecue appliances in the design process of the convenient and healthy and interesting problems, understand the development trend, combined with the actual situation, comprehensive specific data, to analyze the improvement of household electric barbecue, practice of electric barbecue improved design idea of. Key word Domestic electric barbecue; health; convenience; interesting Catalog Thesis......................................................................................................... One Improvement design analysis of household barbecue appliances..................................................................... Three (1) design orientation....................................................................................... Three 1, functional analysis.................................................................................... Three 2. Technical analysis.............................



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