论滥用抗生素的危害性(On the harmfulness of abuse of antibiotics).doc

论滥用抗生素的危害性(On the harmfulness of abuse of antibiotics).doc

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论滥用抗生素的危害性(On the harmfulness of abuse of antibiotics)

论滥用抗生素的危害性(On the harmfulness of abuse of antibiotics) On the harmfulness of abuse of antibiotics Abstract: antibiotics are commonly used drugs for the treatment of infectious diseases, 1929 British scholar Flemming first discovered penicillin in 1941, in the clinical application. Antibiotics are the greatest medical discovery in twentieth Century, the average life expectancy of human beings at least extend 10 years. Antibiotics are produced by a microorganism, drugs inhibiting or killing effect for other types of microorganisms under low concentrations. The scope of antibiotics, against bacteria, viruses and fungi and tumors can play an inhibitory or killing effects. Therefore, based on the object of antibiotics, can be divided into anti bacteria effect, antiviral and antifungal effects of antibiotics and other antibacterial drugs. It usually refers to drugs inhibiting or killing effect on bacteria, the role of narrow range, including antibiotics for bacteria, including synthetic antibacterial drugs, such as sulfa and quinoline Quinolones. So far, for the treatment of infectious diseases are more than 300 kinds of antibiotics, but due to the birth of new antibiotics, antibiotics and a variety of antibiotics have a variety of names and other reasons, the medical staff in the grasp of the rational use of antibiotics on there are some difficulties in common, so the phenomenon of abuse of antibiotics also, drug resistant strains increased gradually. 1 Analysis of abuse of antibiotics 1.1 market share of high Chinese antibiotic antibiotics sales accounted for 100 of drug sales 47%, while Europe and the United States is about 10%. According to statistics, in 2002 China medical anti infective drugs market scale reached 34 billion 500 million yuan. The 1.2 hospital antibiotic use of large quantities of the United States and Britain and other developed countries the hospital antibiotic use rate ranged from 22% to 25%, and in the China is 67% ~ 82%, of which more than 40% of



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