身体酸碱性原理剖析(Analysis of the principle of body acidity and alkalinity).doc

身体酸碱性原理剖析(Analysis of the principle of body acidity and alkalinity).doc

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身体酸碱性原理剖析(Analysis of the principle of body acidity and alkalinity)

身体酸碱性原理剖析(Analysis of the principle of body acidity and alkalinity) Zhao Lirong, Li Yuanyuan, Fu Biao, Anita Mui, Roman Tam, Lydia Sum (fat), Chen Xiaoxu, Li Yu and other celebrities died from cancer...... In order not to let tragedy repeat again in different families, it is necessary to popularize the knowledge of cancer prevention, which is the duty of everyone who loves life. The author specially translated foreign information to share with you. I hope every family and every one can live a healthy and happy life! Experts pointed out that the use of reasonable methods to improve acidic constitution, is the key to prevent all kinds of diseases. First of all, eat more alkaline foods. Patrick, founder of the best nutrition association in Britain, suggested in his nutrition bible that diet should include 80% basic foods and 20% acidic foods. However, in fact, it is difficult for us to control the ratio of acidic food to alkaline food at 1:4 in the normal diet, which needs to be adjusted by adding some alkaline functional foods. Secondly, with the change of drinking water quality, with alkaline water instead of tap water, purified water, to create a micro alkaline environment in vivo. Again, control emotions, keep a good mood, and exercise at the same time, eliminate bad habits. The acidity of the constitution is the source of all diseases - remember 1:4 American medical home Nobel laureate professor Lei Weng said: acidic is the source of diseases. Basically, all the meat is acidic, and most of the fruits and vegetables are alkaline. If you want to maintain a healthy body, take 20% of the acidic food, you need 80% of the alkaline food, said RAGNAR BERG, a famous American nutritionist. Obviously, when the intake of food in the stomach to eat you every day is more acidic, in the course of time, it will cause physical acid is too high, and thus suffer from chronic sicknesses. In general, you need to eat at least four servings of fruits and vegetables to balance the acidit


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