近代史名词解释(Modern history; noun; explanation).doc

近代史名词解释(Modern history; noun; explanation).doc

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近代史名词解释(Modern history; noun; explanation)

近代史名词解释(Modern history; noun; explanation) Modern history; noun; explanation 1. the Zongli Yamen referred to as yamen, administration and translation department, the Qing government for foreign affairs and foreign affairs and ad hoc central institutions, approved the establishment in January 20, 1861 by Emperor xianfeng. The duties from the original host of foreign affairs and trade affairs to expand the factories, railways, mines, schools, school and all relevant foreign travel, foreign military education. Finance... Mining transportation, all belong to the bureaucratic jurisdiction, become an important decision-making body of the Qing government, it is a sign of the establishment of Sino foreign the reactionary forces official collusion. The prime minister yamen existed for 40 years, until twenty-seven years Guangxu (1901 AD), according to the Qing government and the powers to sign the Treaty of 1901 provisions of the twelfth paragraph, to the Ministry of foreign affairs, the Ministry is still ranked six in the first. The 2. chieftain refers to the Ming and Qing Dynasties two generations abolished the hereditary rule in ethnic minority areas, and became a political rule of the flow of official measures. Local officials often use the first time, the extinction of criminal jurisdiction and other designated counties canceled toast authority, to the Ming Yongle eleven years (1413) the pacification of Guizhou Sizhou and Sinan were two after the chaos, the abolition of the Tusi system, the establishment of the Guizhou department. Qing Dynasty Kangxi, Yong Zheng, Qianlong three generations, more tightly in Yunnan, Guizhou and other provinces to implement the policy of change the soil and return to the stream. In the areas where the Tusi was abandoned, the same political system as the mainland was implemented, such as measuring land, collecting taxes, compiling household accounts, organizing township committees, etc.. The implementation of these measures strengthened the


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