车间标语(Workshop slogan).doc

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车间标语(Workshop slogan)

车间标语(Workshop slogan) Overall management to improve production, quality first, customer first Concerted efforts to promote production, quality first for customers Product equals character, quality is life Output is power, cooperation, or unity, achievement, dreams Unite forces to increase production Ensure quality and develop without measure Realistic and innovative, high yield to everyones satisfaction Scientific development, excellent quality, qualified each piece Safety first, prevention first Everyone speaks safe and safe for everyone Everyone is safe, everything is safe, always safe, safe everywhere Everyone safe, happy ten million homes Responsibility for production safety Safety in production focuses on Prevention Production must be safe and safe to promote production Implement safety regulations and strengthen safety precautions Production safety responsibility weightier than Mount Tai Security - our eternal melody Enterprise management, industry management, state supervision and supervision by the masses The frost hit water accident specifically looking for lazy people Sweet home, your safe return Safety knowledge let you change danger into safety Safety, diligence, good life Do well in safety production and promote economic development Spread safety culture and publicize safety knowledge Security to guard against accidents due to paralysis Check erroneous ideas at the outset alarm bells ringing Everyone speaks safe and everyone stays safe Strict is the love, the pine is the evil, good Securitybenefits three generations Anti accident mid Heian fukuma door tell the security of health for all le A healthy body can not do without exercise; a happy family can not live without safety Safety is the guarantee of family happiness, and accident is the bane of life tragedy Work creates wealth, and safety brings happiness Quality is the life and safety of an enterprise, and it is the life of a worker Investing in security is the biggest benefit Safety is the biggest s


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