透视当今网络编辑的职业生涯(A career in online editing).doc

透视当今网络编辑的职业生涯(A career in online editing).doc

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透视当今网络编辑的职业生涯(A career in online editing)

透视当今网络编辑的职业生涯(A career in online editing) Today, the network as the fourth media position has been established, since it is a media, then compared with the previous paper media and radio and television, network editing work characteristics of what? This is a question worthy of our discussion. With the continuous development of science and technology, the traditional editing methods and means are increasingly integrated with multimedia technology, and new changes have taken place in editing work. Network editing profession is an emerging profession. Network editors are designers and builders of the content, information and soul of the web. The development of network editing profession has attracted close attention from the industry and related fields. The current situation of network editing profession It is estimated that China has nearly 3 million network editors, while the traditional media has 750 thousand editors and reporters, and the number of online media practitioners is far more than the traditional media. At the same time, the discipline of network editing has changed dramatically since six years ago. Before 2000, a computer science background editing has become the main force of the major sites, but since 2000, the network media gradually fierce competition, the content is king is regarded as a site for the development of the Bible, a social science background editing gradually occupy the mainstream, traditional media editors and reporters to enter the network tide. From the beginning of 2004, the Internet media practitioners and traditional media practitioners in rotation, the structure of human resources website also tend to diversify the direction of development, both news and computer professionals, has also been involved Chinese, law, finance, history, language and other professional personnel. Characteristics of network editing profession Today, the network as the fourth media position has been established, since it is a media, then compared with th


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