运营与运维的区别(Difference between operation and operation and maintenance).doc

运营与运维的区别(Difference between operation and operation and maintenance).doc

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运营与运维的区别(Difference between operation and operation and maintenance)

运营与运维的区别(Difference between operation and operation and maintenance) Difference between operation and operation and maintenance Tags: operation and maintenance 2010-01-27 17:04 Operation is a popular term in recent years. The number China website has more than XXX million, this requires the number of operating personnel! If each site can operate successfully, so the development of the Internet for China how big role! However, specializing in the website operation personnel is very rare, and is currently in operation on site what industry does not have a accurate statement. Definition of Web site operators, some believe that the website operation refers to the latter part of the network marketing system and all sites related to the operation of work ; some believe that the website operators including website operation and two categories of work site revenue. . In the above definition, I personally think that confusing the relationship between website operation and network marketing, as well as the relationship between website operation and sales, did not make clear the precise meaning of website operation. So, what is website operation? Definition of website operation Website operation refers to a series of work done by web site as product marketing platform or product itself for developing network marketing. Site operations include site planning, requirements collation, content construction, product maintenance and so on. If you think of your website as a product, the job you need to do is basically the same as what a product manager needs to do. Site planning: Web site before the online, the site planning including preliminary research, feasibility analysis, planning documentation, business process and logic clear, show the site specifications, participate in UE testing work; line on the site, the site planning is mainly refers to the analysis, the new demand to supplement the needs of the development of a clear implementation and related documents; Requirement col


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