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 以下由雅思名师所发布的2011年6月25日的雅思考题回忆的全部内容,非常详细,类别很多。这次的雅思考题依然是以以往的经典考题为主,难度并不是很大,大家在自己的雅思备考中可以根据自己的实际情况进行适当的参考。   雅思口语Part 1考题   Your Work/Your Studies   Your Hometown必考题目   Food   1. What foods do you usually eat?   2. Did you like to eat the same food when you were a child?   3. What food did you like to eat when you were a child?   4. Do you still like that food now?   5. If you had children, what foods would you recommend they eat?   6. Do you think its good to (often or sometimes) take children to restaurants?   7. How has food in your country changed since you were a child?   Hand-made things-----较新(抽象话题,注意types/kinds of 题型的答题技巧)   1. Did you ever make anything by hand when you were a child?   2. What kinds of things do children make by hand?   3. Do children often make things by hand?   4. Do you like make things by hand?   5. Why do you think people choose to buy hand-made things?   6. How are hand-made things different from machine-made things?   7. What kinds of handicrafts do people in your country like?   Number   1 .Do you have any lucky number? Why?   2. Do numbers have special meanings in your country?   3. Which numbers are important for you to remember?   4. How do you memorize numbers?   Flowers   1. Do you like flowers? Why or why not?   2. What flowers do you like? Why?   3. Are flowers important in your culture?   4. On what occasions do people give or receive flowers?   5. When was the last time you bought flowers for someone?   6. Where do people usually buy flowers?   Time Management   7. Are you good at organizing time?   8. How do you usually organize time?   9. Do you think planning is important for time management?   10. Why do you think some people pay to learn time management?   11. Do you think children should learn to manage time?   Leisure Time   12. How much free time (or time to relax) do you have (per week)?   13. How do you relax?   14. What do you do in your spare time (= free time)?   15. What do you do on weekends?   16. (In the even


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