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1.#经典造句,必背 !# Law enforcement departments should gear up for a fierce battle against this dangerously prevalent trend. #随手写了个句子送给各位考生,可用于负面社会现象的作文。# gear up for sth 准备好某事 2. I would partner with Mr. Ding to forge a stronger team to help all the test-takers. 3.#经典造句# It pains me to say that thrift is among the endangered virtues in China. #thrift 这个位置可以根据主题词替换。本句型可以用于负面现象话题。# 4.#精彩造句# Relevant government departments should focus enough attention on this worrisome problem. # focus enough attention on 替换 pay enough attention to problem 之前加个形容词更好,worrisome 很少见考生用,但是很常见、很地道。 # 5. #经典造句# The new traffic regulation designed to ensure the safety of the public imposes harsher penalties on drivers who run yellow lights. This has sparked a fierce debate nationwide. 6.#精彩造句# Happiness is diversely defined. Personally, happiness is determined by our capacity to love and to be loved 7. It is my fervent hope that I would fuse into you to help you, dear Diandian fighters, win out in the upcoming battle. #fuse into sb (与某人合体)可用 merge into sb 替换。 It is my fervent hope that 可用在小作文中# 8.#外刊是王道# In order to maintain a viable and successful brand, Apple must look to differentiate Apple from Steve Jobs in the minds of consumers and shareholders. # differentiate A from B 将 A 与 B 区分开来。2013 年考研英语二 Text 3 考查# 9. #外刊是王道# Schools and universities, for example, are vital for the shift to an economy driven by brainpower instead of cheap labour. # (be) driven by 由...驱动。2013 年考研英语二 Text 2 考查# #经典造句:利用了原句主干结构和用法,可用于 2013 年英语一大作文# The path they embark on is vital for the shift to post-college life. 10.#外刊点睛# The Federal Trade Commission is scolding Google Inc. without punishing the Internet search leader for collecting e-mails, passwords and other personal information transmitted over unsecured wireless networks.


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